HI! my name is Magr Ferreira da Silva, despite not having a background
in arts it was something that I have always loved.

Crafts have always been
present in my life. When I was a child, I saw the women in my family doing
crochet work and embroidery for outfits.
Not exactly that way,
but always taking advantage of these teachings. I created some pieces with
recycled, organic and noble materials, with my own design or with inspiration
from other places.

And the idea of magrART started to grow, for other materials, other types of pieces, other
types of platforms: magrART (@magrart_artes_e_oficios) • fotos e vídeos do Instagram, www.facebook.com/magrartarteseoficios/ and other areas: @magrart_fotografia • fotos e vídeo do Instagram photography, which is the
great passion and inspiration.